Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This, is why I had cornflakes for dinner.

I had cornflakes for dinner tonight. Apart from the fact I forgot about the whole if you drink a glass of wine you can’t drive thing, I’m broke. And I blame the twenty year old bubbly blonde girl who was in front of Myer today.

I went shopping today with a uni lovely to celebrate the end of the year, and to spend the cash I don’t exactly have. It was all going swimmingly; I’d brought clothes, shoes and jewellery. But then, we got hi-jacked. She jumped out from her little stall like a three year old on crack, and grabbed our hands, telling me I have beautiful nails (C’mon, I’m a nineteen year old girl; I never tire of going to a manicurist and having them rabbit on about how ‘beautiful’ my nails are). From that moment, I was pretty much hers.

Because this girl (woman, maybe. Nope, I’m going to stick with girl) had us eating out of the palm of her hand, and she “liked” (yes, I’m using DOUBLE talking marks) us, she offered a deal.

We got three of these little beauties for $100. They’re usually one for $70, but she offered us two for $100 and then decided to throw a third one in “free”.

They are pretty nifty; they include a nail buffer, nail file, cuticle oil and lotion. And they make my nails really shiny.

I’m a sucker for bargains, most of the time I can’t justify spending money on something that isn't on sale. Today, something evil happened. I’m excited to use the stuff, it smells fantastic, and the couple of nails that the (very good) sales girl demonstrated on, look awesome. But, I still can’t believe I spent so much on this little baby. It’s for the good of my nails though, right?

Please help me justify having to have cornflakes for dinner because of this baby. Please?

1 comment:

  1. I was the uni lovely! just putting it out there and it was totally worth it! Just think about all the money yo wont spend, because you got this. All you have to do after you've prepared them, i paint them and I don't charge! so win-win from where im sitting. p.s, great piece. lmao! xxx
