Monday, June 21, 2010

An open letter to Alex Fevola

Dear Alex,

You don’t know me, but I definitely know you.
Sometimes I feel for you, I really do, because no one deserves to be in a cheating relationship, no one deserves to be lied to, and no one deserves to be humiliated in some of the ways you have been.
However, you do frustrate me to the high heavens.
People would sympathise with you a whole lot more if you didn’t go media hunting.
Glossy women’s mags (no matter how addictive the damn things are) are not a source of credibility. Dancing with the stars (could you just enlighten me as to when you became a star…?) will not help the general public forget that your (ex) husband cheated on you, sent a nude photo of Lara Bingle around and has a severe gambling problem.
You have three ridiculously cute daughters; do you think they need to see mummy and daddy on the news-stands every day?
Do you think constantly dredging up your (unfortunate) past is going to help?
No, it’s not going to.
For the sake of your daughters, your family and yourself- stay out of the media spotlight.

I look forward to not reading about you tomorrow.

Yours truly,
Morgan x


  1. Alex seems to be in the same category as Simone Warne - wifes of famous sportsmen who humiliate them in front of the world. I hope she keeps some self-respect and stays away from Brendan, he obviously has little respect for her.

    I saw her book a few months ago - she took photos of a heap of well-known Australians and interviewed them. It was quite surprisingy, really, she's a pretty talented photographer. Use your powers for goood, Alex!
