Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey Mother Nature, settle down.

I've been crazily lazy over the holidays with my little piece of joy (aka this lovely blog). But truth be told, after having a relaxing Christmas period and finally deciding to get stuck into some work, I couldn't, because my eyes have been glued to the TV.
The recent floods have just been devastating. I'm heart-broken, and I'm sitting safely in Melbourne. I cannot begin to imagine the pain that these poor people must be feeling. Words just fail me, which doesn't tend to happen very often.

Image URL:
I know it has been drummed into everyone, but we need to donate, donate, donate. Skip that morning coffee for a week or two, and give it to the people that don't have a home anymore.
Go here for how you can donate.
A personal favourite of mine though, is something that local Vic/Melbournians can help with. Onya magazine are running Onya Aid on Australia Day, at Honey Bar in South Melbourne. Check it out.

But now, country Victoria is in danger of flooding? Come on, Mother Nature. Give us a break.

To keep up to date with the Victorian floods, keen an eye on the Vic Gov website.

And, although I say, give and give and give to our family and friends that are struggling in QLD. I urge you to remember, something that happened in our backyard not that long ago, something that is still effecting people, and I talk of Black Saturday.
There are families who still don't have a home, who are still struggling with their grief, who are still reliving their trauma like it happened yesterday.
Don't forget them.

What a contrast! Image URL:

They say Australians are known for sticking together in the tough times, helping out when it's needed. Prove them right.

Hope you are all happy and safe.

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