Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Justin Bieber and his Beaver Fever

If any one reads this and says Justin who? I love you. I seriously just want to kiss you.

16 year old “pop singing sensation” Bieber caused absolute havoc whilst in Australia.
I thought girls being crushed, hyperventilating and being sent to hospital at one of your shows was reserved for rock and roll royalty.
Apparently not.
Bieber looks not a day older than 12 but has still managed to have his performance called off by police because of tweens going wild. I think we’ve just entered an alternate universe.
Unfortunately, Bieber fever has hit Australia.

Backtracking a bit, this VERY young boy was discovered on Youtube, and since then, Bieber has turned into a world sensation. Oh dear, that very concept hurts my head.

Now back to Monday morning- The free performance, which was set up by channel seven’s Sunrise, was forced to be called off when police couldn’t contain thousands of teen girls. I don’t doubt this for a second- Have you seen teen girls recently!? Every second one thinks they’re going to be the next Lindsey or Paris (okay yes, not every teen girl is like this, but for the purpose of imagining what happened let’s pretend they are). The police where pretty quick to ask where these thousands of girls’ parents were, and I completely agree. Where were they are? If so many travelled from inter-state to see him, surely their parents did not let them travel alone? Surely parents did not let their kids go out at 12.30am the night before, to line up and get the best spot to see Bieber perform, by themselves?

(Picture from ; Bieber showing fans some love from behind a glass window after his perfromance was cancelled)

The ‘tragedy’ (Youtube Bieber Sydney and watch how some of the girls react to the news that performance had been cancelled…) of the event did bring with it some ‘funniness’, provided mainly by the, ahem, ‘older’ generation.
My Dad, in particular, always asks whenever Bieber comes up on the news or radio ‘Jason Beaver and his Beaver Fever!!’
Yeah Dad, JUSTIN BIEBER did come to Australia, and certainly spread the Fever.

And I for one am glad he’s gone. New Zealand, I hope you’re ready for a case of the Beaver Fever.


  1. Justin Who? Having trouble understanding how all these mediocre talents are becoming sensations. But I suppose if the kids are aspiring to be a Paris there already brain dead. Totally agree with your comments and lets hope Sunrise only puts decent artists on from now on instead of the latest thing from you tube. seeya Donna

  2. I think Morgan has 'Bieber Fever'. The tween girls can't help that madnes for him. have you not heard of love? All those girls think that they will one day become 'Mrs Justin Bieber'... I hope justin is a fan of polygamy.
    Also, it is very funny that your dad thinks he is called Justin Beaver. haha
