Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sorry Aker, that just doesn't sit well with me...

Jason Akermanis' article in today's Herald Sun has caused controversy. Rightly so too, Akermanis can't expect to write on such a sensitive topic and not get back lash from the general public.
Let's recap what the article is about (This link will take you to the article). Akermanis' opinion piece titled 'Stay in the closet' suggests that gay AFL player's shouldn't 'out' themselves. Firstly, I can't stress the point enough that Aker is NOT gay bashing here. He states numerous times that he is not homophobic, the article is based more around the opinion that the AFL are not ready for gay players (to come 'out').
Excuse me Jason Akermanis, but can I please point out we are in the year 2010, where sexuality is something that (most) people celebrate, and homosexuality is not a taboo subject.
Before I get any deeper into this subject- No, this post is not going to be about how 'stupid' Aker's comments are. Everyone is entitled to their opinion; Aker no exception here. I actually admire the fact he is so openly expressing them- I just don't agree with them, at all.
I belive that there are gay players in the AFL. I believe there are some that the public will never know about, and that is the PLAYER's decision, no one elses.
I'm also willing to bet that a lot of the gay players are confused about their sexuality. It must be such a struggle to deal with their sexuality, let alone dealing with it whilst playing such a 'macho' sport, surrounded by 'macho' men.
An article like this, would NOT help things Aker.
If player's want to stay 'in the closet'- that's their decision. If they want to 'come out'- that's their decision.
As I write this I'm watching the channel 10 news.
Sydney coach Paul Roos has said 'to hear comments like this in 2010 is just bizarre.' (Note: This may not be the exact quote, but it's definately close to it.)
Aker's article has also stunned some of his team members and others around the Western Bulldogs Football Club.
Like I've already said, I completely respect Aker's opinion. And I even agree with his statement that 'being the first AFL player to come out, (would be) too big a burden for any player.'
Definately, BUT given the fact we are in the year 2010, there would be an abundance of councelling, support and acceptance from the player's team, supporters and the general public.
Of-course there is going to be on-field sledging, but there is sledging about EVERY single topic you can imagine. Plus, I'm nearly 100% sure that the player's team members would have that said players back.
You only have to look at the players that have today said that Aker's comments are unusual, Collingwood player Heath Shaw even says there are different characters within every club.

Jason Akermanis- your opinions do have merit, and I understand them as you trying to spare a gay player having to go through unnecessary 'torture' from other players and the community.
However, I do think people can be surprising, and if/when a player decides to publicly decalre they are homosexual, on their own accord, there would be nothing but support and admiration.
You can't tell people what to do Aker, now that is just a fact of life.

Leave a comment, I'm keen to hear about everyone's views on the issue. I'm also keen to see what the AFL board says, Aker isn't generally known for keeping quite about his opinion.

1 comment:

  1. I just read the article then. I also agree that Akermanis is entitled to his opinion, but I don't agree with it entirely.
    If people are being offered money to 'come out' then the people who are offering them money are deplorable.
    Aker says that the AFL world is not ready for it, well it has to be ready some day. And by saying that AFL players shouldn't 'come out' seems to contradict his argument. Surely if they want to admit that they are gay, then they should. People are more accepting of homosexuals now and I will give kudos to those player that have the courage to publicly admit that they are gay, whenever they choose to do that
