Tuesday, July 13, 2010

From bad, to worse, to plain awkward.

A few weeks back now, my email got hacked. Nothing major- from what I can tell it was just a virus, probably from a piece of spam I had accidently opened a few days prior. It was also my hotmail account, so (I thought…) it would have just sent it to a few friends- easy to email them again, apologize quickly and tell them not to open the previous email.
The thing about getting hacked is you never know it’s happened- unless you’re in the habit of checking through your sent items, or like me, you have a little guardian angel that sends you an email.

I was completely confused when I opened Annelise’s email and she first wrote-

‘Hahah, thanks but I think I'm all good for Viagra at the moment!.'

Um, what?

Further down she adds, ‘You were hacked?’

And it starts to make sense- horrible sense. I go to my sent items and what would you know? I’d apparently sent out two emails, about eight people receiving each one. I clicked on the first and it had been sent to a few friends, a few people from uni and my aunt. It was just a link, but I wasn’t going to be clicking on it anytime soon, like Annelise, I’m pretty right on the Viagra front.
So I wrote a quick apology, and sent it off, hoping most of them hadn’t checked their emails yet.
Annoying, frustrating and irritating, but not un-fixable.

Until, I checked the second email- And that’s where it gets awkward.

Again it was the same email, a link to a Viagra site. But the people this email was sent to were a little more amusing.
We have my grandparents, three high school teachers, three uni tutors and a website’s co-ordinator that I used to write articles for- at this point I want to go hang myself.

The issue isn’t that I was hacked- it happens to the best of us. The Viagra bit is pretty embarrassing, but again what can you do? The fact the email had no subject heading, and was just a link is annoying, but at least it wasn’t porn? No this isn’t the issue. But the email I received a few days later was definitely the issue.

Apparently the website co-ordinator (who I’m deliberately not naming, and deliberately not giving you a link to the site- because it’s just embarrassing for both of us) hadn’t checked my apology email and sent me this:

‘Hello Morgan,

Haven’t heard from you for a while but I trust all is well.

As you know, we’re a student site, so an article about Viagra isn’t something we’re looking for.

If you have any more ideas please email me again.


I nearly fell off my chair. I scanned my emails again hoping for another one from her saying ‘oh, just saw your other email!’

But no, nothing.


And damage control time- I replied with a lovely emailing, explaining the situation and explaining until I was blue in the face that I didn’t want to write about Viagra.

Note to all: Don’t open spam.

1 comment:

  1. bahahaha! Spam emails are bad enough without them being sent to the higher ups of the education system.
    Spam sucks.
