Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where is the line drawn?

Does the name Laura Dekker ring a bell? If it doesn't, it will soon.
She is Dutch. She is fourteen. She plans to sail around the world solo.
Picture From
Sounds a bit familiar doesn't it?

I was a big big big Jessica Watson skeptic when the Australian announced she was about to embark on a solo sail around the world. I think she did an incredible job, and I was really impressed the way she handled herself, and she honestly seems like a fantastic young girl. I still don't agree she should have done it though. I still think she was to young.
A US teen also tried to sail around the world this year- and had to be rescued from the Indian Ocean.

I have no issue with these girls wanting to achieve something, setting their minds to a task and wanting to achieve it. What urks me is that all of these girls' families supported their decisions. There is support, and then there is stupidity. I'm sorry but these girls are just WAY TO YOUNG.
Dekker is FOURTEEN for crying out loud. It's just ridiculous.

At fourteen, all I wanted was to be allowed to go down the street with my friends after school. Or to go down to the shops by myself. Can't say I ever wanted to sail around the world by myself, but each to their own.
I think it's smart to have a dream, I think it's important to have a dream. But there are certain things that people need to remember- first thing that my head keeps screaming is safety.
If someone can explain to me how this is safe for a fourteen year old girl (let alone a twenty-one year old, or a forty year old) then I'll happily eat my words.

If I asked my parents if I could sail solo around the world, I'd get a laugh, a 'pull ya head in', and a 'sweetheart, you can do lot's of things. Just not this.' I love my parents.

I'm not the only one who feels this way, with this being taken to the Dutch courts. The Child Protection Council fighting against her decision (and losing... sigh). Read some more about it here.

I haven't led a 'sheltered life', my parents have always been fair and reasonable with me. And I honestly think that's why at nineteen I can call myself responsible and say I have a fairly good head on my shoulders (not to sound ridiculously stuck up or anything, which I think I seriously just failed at). So where is the line drawn? How can Dekker's parents honestly justify the decision to support their daughter on this?

Go back to school for a couple more years Dekker, then maybe look at the idea of sailing around the world solo. How about while your waiting you do normal fourteen year old stuff like stealing chocolate from the fridge and staying up past your bed time?

1 comment:

  1. Fourteen seems a bit young. She has barely hit puberty. She has had no experience even living by herself. Good on her for having dreams and following them, but a few extra years won't kill her..they will probably help her survive
