Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Answer my questions and I'll answer yours.

Well this is exciting. The very talented Annelise (the little box of crayons) tagged me in a post. It's like chain mail, but good chain mail. It's answer seven questions, ask seven questions, which is always good because I'm never short on anything to say about myself (please note that was an attempt to be funny, I'm not a stuck-up bitch).

1. What are you currently obsessed with?
I have a very obsessive nature, I will find something (or in most cases, someone) that I have a fascination with and stalk the crap out of them (I'm talking social networking here, not like a real peep into their windows type stalker). At the moment though I'm obsessed with the Collingwood football club and reality TV.

2. If you could live in any era, which would it be?
The '90s. How can you go past the Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys? Or Nickelodeon.

3. What are you really, really good at?

Facebook stalking, as embarrassing as this is, I'm pretty much known to my group of friends as the Queen of it. I mean you're pretty good if you find a girl when you only know her first name and the fact she has a twin brother. I'm pretty good at procrastinating too. (Right now I'm at Uni.. 'studying').

4. When you were seventeen, where did you think you would be in ten year's time?
Hmm, when I was seventeen I was doing year 12, and convinced I'd be a journalist when I finished Uni. Don't get me wrong, that's still the dream, but I think I'm a lot more realistic about everything now. But I still have eight years to try and prove myself right.

5. What is your favourite 'guilty pleasure'?
Staying in bed all day with a bunch of DVDs and my laptop. And ignoring my emails.

6. What is one thing that makes you really, really happy?
I'm going to go all cliche on this one, but I just can't go past family and friends. My family has been through a lot the past year and it makes me happy to see how much stronger we've all become.

7. If you could live in any movie, which would it be?
What a toughie! There's so many! I really can't go past the Spice Girls movie, just, well, because.

Now, my seven questions are:

1.What's your most cherished memory?
2.Best/Worst and Favourite/Least favourite subjects at school or uni?
3.If you could make three wishes, what would they be?
4.What's the best thing you have ever read? (Book, story, article etc.)
5.Have you ever had imaginary friends? Who were they? (I used to pretend Captain Planet was next to me wherever I went)
6.You don't leave home without...?
7.What's your favourite comfort food?

And I'm sending them to these lovlies:

Annelise (right back at ya ;-])
Nicole (I'm aware you don't use your blog, but I will make you)
Matt Caldicott (I'm also aware the likelihood of him seeing/doing this is slim to none, but it's worth a shot?)

And yes I want you to do it, because I want to see your answers!
See, good chain mail ;-)


  1. God, I love Facebook stalking and God, I hate it when people have their profiles set to private.

    I've never seen the Spice Girl movie. Shame on me.

  2. Me too, but I'm the biggest hypocrite because I'm all private haha.

    Oh no! Slap on the wrist...We'll have to do something about that!
