I don't think there's a switch that you can flick and magically over night become mature, and heck, that's the fun of it all.
I love being with Nicole and acting like an utter fool, pretending we're about ten years younger than we actually are.
I love getting her drunk and walking to parties in thunder storms.
I love that she helps me with my make-up when I'm too drunk to do it.
I love being a kid with her. Watching Hocus Pocus and dancing to Spice Girls.
I love confusing people with her...

I DON'T love how good she is with graphics and computers.
But I do love the fun we have on her MAC.
*I LOVE how we are the best bargain shoppers (despite the fact we won't pay $20 for uni pants ans the whinge about how we don't have them for the next year).
*I LOVE how she'll message me about the most random crap.
*I LOVE how we have the wierdest and wackiest inside jokes, and that people think we're idiots when we talk about it.
*I LOVE (and miss) playing basketball with her.
*I LOVE how she's going to look at this and think I did the worst job with photo and text placement.
*I LOVE how she is my best friend.
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